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Rules and Regulations


College Rules and Regulations

  1. The College expects students to maintain the highest standard of discipline, decorum, punctuality, neatness and responsible behavior both in the class room and during co-curricular activities of the College.
  2. Students are answerable to the College authorities for their conduct both in and outside the college. Hence misbehavior in the streets and in public conveyance justifies disciplinary action.
  3. Every student should attend the College in the prescribed uniform.
  4. Students should refrain from activities which may disturb the orderly use of the College. Any breach of College rules will entail punishment such as suspension or termination.
  5. The students are expected to look after their belongings and are advised not to bring any valuables to the College. The college will
    not be responsible for any loss of money and valuables.
  6. Students are not allowed to wear any jewellery or costly watches.
  7. Any kind of the damage caused by the student to the College property will have to be made good by the student.
  8. Students moving in the corridor and up and down the stairs must walk in SILENCE.
  9. Students should avoid littering the College premises and use the bins provided for the purpose.
  10. All students are expected to be present on the re-opening day, after each vacation. Absence will entail fine unless valid reasons are furnished in writing duly signed by the parents.
  11. Students absenting themselves for more than a month without sanction of leave are liable to have their names struck off the rolls.
  12. ‘Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, insubordination, misbehavior, obscenity in any form and dishonesty are sufficient reasons for the termination of a student.
  13. Absence from any examination will ordinarily be allowed on medical grounds, supported by medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner.
  14. No leave is granted except on written application submitted at least a day in advance.
  15. Prior permission of the head of the institution is required to meet the Lecturer, if found necessary.

Payment Of Fees

  1. Student with fee arrears will not be permitted to write the examination.
  2. Admission fees once paid is non-refundable and not transferable.

College Working Ours

  1. The working hours is from 8.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. We work six days a week.
  2. Late coming will not be entertained.

Admission Open for the Academic Year 2024-2025

Courses : Science | Commerce

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